
Zack Snyder+Superman=YES!, FINALLY!

YES! As of this past week, Zack Snyder will be directing the new Superman movie. This is the best Superman movie news since the release of the Richard Donner cut, no, actually, it's better than that. Superman, in my opinion, is the most plain, and default superhero there is. Hopefully, Snyder's dynamic style will amp up his backstory. Please don't ruin this, Zack!


Iron Man 2

Sometimes, I never publish certain movie reviews in order to save space, but, in honor of the upcoming Blu-Ray/DVD release of Iron Man 2(whose review I never posted), I have decide to finall write a review. I felt that this sequel was not as good as the original. As a nerd, i quite enjoyed seeing war machine in action, but apart from action scenes and nods to the comic book, I really didn't think it was exceptional. It was good, just not REALLY good. The after the credits scene, although, was phenominal, and that's all I will say.
I give it 3 out of 5.