
X-Men Origins Only Fans can Understand

I just saw X-men Origins:Wolverine (for reasons i can't explain i couldn't see it in theatres). Most people were whining about Deadpool not being accurate or that sabretooth wasn't accurate and that the movie was made for the non-comic fans, but i gotta say... i can see why the "Non-comic fans" gave it such bad reviews. If you go back and watch it, you will see that it has so many holes, that if you don't fill in the blanks with stuff read in Comics, IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. I back this up with proof. I tried my hardest to watch the movie as if I had never read the comics- and this is what i Noticed. First Of all- How does he come to be called 'Logan"?I never says! I Know why, so i got it. But most people didn't. Also- Why is Victor's last name Creed but his father's last name is Logan?Think about that!

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